Category: MATLAB
3D Plotting: Meshgrid and Ndgrid; Contour, Mesh, Plot3, and Surface Plots
Today we will be covering the following topics: 1. Meshgrid and Ndgrid 2. Contour Plots 3. Plot 3 4. Surface Plots – Using Surf 5. Mesh Plots – Using Mesh 6. Changing Color of 3D Plots VIDEO COMING SOON! Meshgrid and Ndgrid MATLAB uses the commands meshgrid and ndgrid to go from a 1D…
Slice; Vector Field Plots
In today’s lesson, we’re going to be covering the following topics: 1. Slice Function 2. Vector Field Plots video coming soon Slice Function The built-in MATLAB function slice allows you to slice through the x, y, or z plane of a 3D shape. The slice can be orthogonal (perpendicular) to the specified plane, and there…
Creating Input Statements
In today’s lesson, we will be covering how to create input statements. Input statements are used in scripts to get the user to input a specific number rather than assigning one value to a variable. For example, if I wanted to make a code that added together two numbers that someone using my program would…
X-Y Plotting; Adding Titles and Axis Labels; Controlling the Axes
In today’s lesson, we will be covering the following topics: 1. X-Y Plotting 2. Fplot and Ezplot 3. Adding Titles and Axis Labels 4. Controlling the Axes VIDEO COMING SOON X-Y Plotting To make a plot (only in two dimensions for now), we need a matching number of x- and y- values, just like we…
Anonymous Functions and Inline Functions
In today’s lesson, we will be covering the following topics: 1. Anonymous Functions 2. Inline Functions video coming soon Anonymous Functions Anonymous functions aren’t technically “functions” in the sense that they need a special function file, but can be written within a script (check out the lesson on User Defined Functions here). They can accept…
Finding Derivatives and Integrals
In today’s lesson, we will be covering the following topics: 1. Finding Derivatives 2. Finding Anti-Derivatives (Integrals) VIDEO COMING SOON Finding Derivatives If you’re in this course, you probably have already taken a calculus class – if not, check out the Differential and Integral Calculus courses for information on derivatives and integrals! I won’t explain…
Overlaying Plots Versus Subplot
In today’s lesson, we will be covering the following topics: 1. Overlaying Plots 2. Subplots VIDEO COMING SOON Overlaying Plots We learned in a previous lesson how to plot simple X-Y graphs, but what if want to show multiple data sets in one plot? To do this, we can overlay plots. To do this, there…
In today’s lesson, we will be covering the topic of switchcase.
Solve a Linear System of Equations; Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
In today’s lesson, we will be covering the following topics: 1. Solving a Linear System of Equations 2. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors VIDEO COMING SOON Solving a Linear System of Equations MATLAB can help you solve a linear system of equations, which means solving for all the unknown variables in a set of equations. This can…
Strings and Scripts (aka M-File Scripts)
In today’s lesson, we will cover the following topics: 1. Scripts (aka Script Files, M Scripts, M-File Scripts) 2. Strings VIDEO COMING SOON! Scripts So far, all the commands I have taught have usually been typed directly into the Command Window where each line of code runs one by one when you hit ‘enter’, and…
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