Nomenclature and Properties of Anhydrides, Acyl Halides (eg. Acid Chloride), Nitrile In today’s lesson, we are going to discuss nomenclature and properties of the following organic functional groups: 1. Anhydrides 2. Acyl Halides (eg. Acid Chlorides) 3. Nitriles Anhydrides Note: “Anhydrides” and “Acid Anhydrides” are different names for the same family. Anhydrides are compounds that have 2 carbonyl groups separated by an Oxygen in the shape. […]

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Nomenclature and Properties of Aldehydes, Ketones, and Related Compounds Today we will be discussing the following topics: 1. Nomenclature of Aldehydes and Dialdehydes 2. Properties of Aldehydes 3. Nomenclature of Ketones, Diketones and Cyclic Ketones 4. Properties of Ketones 5. Nomenclature of Ketenes 6. Properties of Ketenes Nomenclature of Aldehydes Aldehydes are organic compounds that have a carbonyl group (carbon double bonded to oxygen) […]

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Formal Charge, Nucleophile Electrophile Reactions, Rules for Resonance Structures, Determining most correct structure

watch This post discusses the following topics: 1. What is Formal Charge and how to calculate it 2. What are Nucleophiles and Electrophiles, how to determine which compounds fall under each category, and how to do NU/E reactions 3. What are Resonance Structures, rules to make them, and how to determine the best resonance structure. Please […] Continue Reading