Nomenclature and Properties of Anhydrides, Acyl Halides (eg. Acid Chloride), Nitrile

Buy Valium London In today’s lesson, we are going to discuss nomenclature and properties of the following organic functional groups: 1. Anhydrides 2. Acyl Halides (eg. Acid Chlorides) 3. Nitriles Anhydrides Note: “Anhydrides” and “Acid Anhydrides” are different names for the same family. Anhydrides are compounds that have 2 carbonyl groups separated by an Oxygen in the shape. […]

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Nomenclature and Properties of Amines, Amides, and Heterocyclic Compounds In today’s lesson, we are going to discuss nomenclature and properties of the following organic functional groups: 1. Amines Nomenclature 2. Amides Nomenclature 3. Heterocyclic Compound Nomenclature 4. Amine Properties 5. Amide Properties Amines Nomenclature Amines are a functional group that contains a nitrogen with a lone pair of electrons (which are always there, but […] Continue Reading

IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Substituents (cyclo, sec-, iso-, tert-, hydroxy, phenyl, etc)

click here In today’s lesson, we are going to discuss naming different types of substituents on organic compounds, including both their name and drawing. Note that all substituents are highlighted in blue in the pictures below. Sometimes, some of these groups are not substituents, but rather they are the main functional family – it depends what other […] Continue Reading

Organic Nomenclature: Prefixes and Alkane, Alkene, Alkyne Families In today’s lesson, we will be learning how to name and draw the following organic families (organic families are organic compounds that are categorized into “families” based on similar characteristics, such as having a carbon to oxygen bond, a double bond, a triple bond, a nitrogen group, or more), discussing homologous series, aliphatic vs aromatic […]

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