Momentum Integral Theory: Kármán’s Analysis of the Flat Plate In this lesson, we will be discussing the following topics: 1. Momentum Thickness (θ or δ**), Drag (D) 2. Thickness (δ) Estimate 3. Shear Stress (Tw) Estimate 4. Displacement Thickness (δ*) 5. Example – Is the Boundary Layer Thin? video coming soon In 1921, Von Kármán proposed a momentum integral theory for solving boundary layer […] Continue Reading

Reynolds Number and Geometry Effects

go to link In this lesson, we will discuss the following topics: 1. What is Flow Past Immersed Bodies 2. Example – Calculating Distance to a given Boundary Layer Thickness video coming soon What is Flow Past Immersed Bodies Since this is the first lesson in this chapter, let’s discuss what this chapter is even about – Flow […] Continue Reading

Boundary Conditions

go to link In today’s lesson, we will be discussing the following topics: 1. Introduction to Boundary Conditions 2. Common Boundary Conditions 3. Example 1 – Using Boundary Conditions to find temperature as a function of radius 4. Example 2 – Using Boundary Conditions to determine unknown constants video coming soon Introduction to Boundary Conditions The three main […] Continue Reading

The Pi Theorem In today’s lesson, we will be discussing the following topics: 1. Buckingham Pi Theorem 2. Example 1 – Using Buckingham Pi Theorem 3. Alternate Method by Ipsen 4. Example 2 – Ipsen’s Method Video coming soon Buckingham Pi Theorem There are many different ways to reduce the number of dimensional variables in an equation (nondimensionalize […]

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Dimensional Analysis, Similarity and Scaling Parameters

Buy Diazepam Germany In today’s lesson, we will be discussing the following topics: 1. Dimensional Homogeneity 2. Definitions (Similarity, Dimensional Variables, Dimensional Constants, Pure Constants) 3. Scaling Parameters 4. Example 1: Using similarity 5. Example 2: Selecting and using scaling parameters Video coming soon Dimensional Homogeneity First, what is Dimensional Analysis? Dimensional analysis is a way that we […]

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Differential Equation of Mass, Energy and Momentum Conservation

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Velocity and Acceleration Fields; Coordinate Systems; Stagnation Points

go here In this lesson, we will be discussing the following topics: 1. Coordinate Systems 2. Velocity Field and Types of Flow 3. Kinematic Properties of Fluids 4. Acceleration Field of a Fluid 5. Example – Finding acceleration of a particle using the above equations 6. Stagnation Points 7. Example – Stagnation Points Video coming soon Coordinate […]

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